Friday, June 12, 2009

Derrick Fisher saves the Lakers.

That was a close one. But thank God we have clutch shooter named Derrick Fisher.Man he made some big shots but the one he made in game 4 in the NBA finals tops them all. When Dwight Howard was at the free throw line I was like dam the Lakers lost because he was making his free throws, but when I saw him miss both of them I'm saying to myself missing those two free throw is their demise. Look what happened the coach realized it clutch shooting time and trusted Derrick fisher the one who has a history of making some big shots and guess what he made it and from their on the lakers took the lead won game four on the road and are on their way to the championship.Orlando should have one that game if some else was at the the free throw line. Also all those free throws that Turkoglu was very fatal. It is to late now all they can do is look to win the next game and even if the do the Lakers are going back home and i honestly doubt the Magics can win there.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Magics retaliate against the Lakers.

If you know what retaliate means then you can figure out what happened between the Lakers and the Magics. Yes the dam Magics won , but aside from the lakers losing it was a very exciting and competitive game in my opinion. The obvious reason for this victory is Rafer Alston's 20 points yes Alston got his groove back. I hope that was just a one game thing and that it will never ever happen again , and not to mention pietrus had 18 points another reason why the Magics won.Now for the reason the Lakers lost it was DEFENSE Kobe said it.The Lakers know they have to keep their defense. Until then let the Magics enjoy their last victory.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Game 2 lakers VS Magics

Game 2 the Magics finally retaliate but it was not enough because insted of kobe having 40 he had half of that , and his team saw that he was having a bad game so they stepped up. Gasol had 27 Odom had 19 Fisher had 12 and even though Ariza only had 8 he had some big shots. Then it came down to the last shot. Courtney Lee missed an open alley lay-up and it went into over time, and of course the lakers took the lead and won by 5 because of kobe bryant passing. like i said in my last post the lakers have it all under control.

Lakers VS Magics

Game one Lakers VS Magics did you see it. If you did you would not still be arguing about who is the best closer and best player . Anyway let me recap you on the game and I'm going to make it nice and short Kobe Bryant had 40 points 8 assit 8 rebounds. He absolutely took over the game. All his team mates could do was pass the ball to him and watch the best player go to work. If you did not know yeah the lakers won by 25. I'm sorry but i don't think the Magics can win they might be competitive but in my opinion they won't win.