Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lakers Are The Best In The West?

Yes! The Lakers finally beat the Denver Nuggets 4-2 and are on their way to the western conference finals against the Magics. Even though the Magics have beaten the Lakers in the regular season twice it is way different from the playoff's , but i think the Lakers have it all under control. The Lakers have way more playoff experience than the Magics. Kobe Bryant and the lakers are hungry and I doubt they will lose to the Magics. Well they did beat the best team in the NBA which are the Cavs and supposedly the best players in the NBA which is Lebron James,but If Lebron is the best player he should at least took his team to the finals. Oh yeah isn't that what last year MVP did took his team to the finals? As a matter a fact he won three i NBA championships In his career , and yeah it was Kobe. So this lost proves Kobe Bryant is the best player because he was able to take over the game with the help of his team to beat the Denver Nuggets. so yeah I think the Lakers have it under control.

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