Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lakers VS Nuggets Game 5

Lakers VS Nuggets game 5 who do you think won? How about i give you a few clues. The Lakers were home,Trevor Ariza had 12 points, Lamar Odom had 19 ,Derek Fisher had 12. Kobe only had 22.If you didn't figure it out yet yes! the lakers did win. See how Kobe had under 30 points and the Lakers still won 94-103. They probably read my last post saying how the rest of the team has to step up and not to worry about Kobe. If they continue to play like this and Pau Gasol scores over 20 and Kobe Bryant has another 40 point game I guarantee you the lakers can and will win the NBA championship.

1 comment:

  1. I bet they did read the last post.

    Keep it up...looking forward to the finals preview.

    -Mr. D.
